So today was my first official day of classes!!!! Today i went to my Renaissance class and my Contemporary Italian Politics class. Both of these sound like their going to be really great! The only problems are that my Renaissance class is starting with things that I already know, which is a bummer but I understand that people who have never taken Roman or Medieval Art/History courses need the information. Also, I'm kind of afraid of my Politics class... we may have to engage in the dreaded... public speaking. :( I'm sure I'll work it out though. Tomorrow I have my first Baroque Art class which I am super excited about!!!! I know that we're going to have lots of field studies since Rome is pretty much the Baroque capital of the world. No big deal, I just live here.

The weekend was pretty calm this week. We ended up going to karaoke on Sunday but we left pretty early so that we could get to bed at a reasonable hour for classes. Unfortunately the night bus that goes to Monteverde is the slowest and most unreliable night bus. We probably waited 45 minutes for it to show up. It was no good. We also went to the Trevi Fountain Sunday night as well as after class today. It is definitely one of my favorite places in Rome and I cannot wait to go when there are less tourists (meaning when it gets colder). According to one of my professors this is one of Rome's hottest Septembers in a long time, so hopefully it will cool down soon. I'm really looking forward to it cooling down so that it will be easier to visit all of Rome's glorious churches. The churches have a dress code of covered shoulders and nothing showing above the knee. This is a hard dress code to pull off when the weather doesn't get below 80 degrees. Therefore my roomies and I have decided that when we feel comfortable enough to wear pants then we'll start going into every church we pass. I'm sure it will make for some spectacular pictures!

This Friday i leave for POMPEII! I'm super excited. I'm sure seeing the people will be fascinating and awful at the same time but I'm just too excited by the perfect preservation of the art to think about that right now! However, this trip probably means that I will have to attempt to do laundry this week. Laundry here is interesting since the washing machine is the smallest I've ever seen and there is no dryer. We have drying racks on our balcony and we just have to wait and pray that it either doesn't rain or our stuff doesn't get pooped on by a bird. How awful would that be!? I guess this is what culture shock feels like. Weird. Still, not as bad as buying eggs and realizing that I had to wash the hen's bottom feathers off of them myself... Oh Italy, how I love thee.
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